Monday 16 February 2015

A Fire Risk Assessment Can Identify Electrical Hazards in the Office

It’s devastating to think that fires can destroy millions worth of properties, cause hundreds of injuries and steal dozens of innocent lives all in one instant. It’s even more depressing to think that a conflagration could have been caused by something as foolishly simple as someone leaving a cigarette butt that caught fire. Every day, people practice mindless actions that they remain unaware of it so that they perpetuate a kind of dangerous negligence that could lead to something as treacherous as an accidental fire. One of the common causes of workplace fires is faulty electrical wiring. Offices and workplaces are hosts to several kinds of equipment and machines that consume a great amount of electricity daily, making workplaces a hotbed of electrical fire hazards. If you’re not wary of these potential deathtraps, you might fail to take note of the common causes of electrical fire when you attempt a thorough fire safety risk assessment on your own.